As I am reading more books outside of the educational arena, but still wear my “documenting hat”, I am re-assured that documenting is highly valued outside of schools as well.
A significant part of my running journey is the documentation of my learning along the way. The documentation via images and text on Instagram, has helped me reflect on my runs, races, as well as other general topics related to running without injury, such as nutrition, form, recovery, etc… a million little things I had not heard of nor considered before I started running 18 months ago.
Books about running, that I have read over the past few months, all mention in some shape or form the importance of documentation as part of the overall training process. I am highlighting a few quotes below to dispel the myth that the documentation is done out of narcissistic reasons, of a need to tell the world “look at me!”, “look at all the stuff I am doing”. I am not in it to gain followers or get re-posts.
The capturing of my current running journey serves “the Silvia” down the road to see evidence of growth (or lack thereof), it serves the Silvia- in- the- future to see visually how far she has come and it serves as motivation to keep growing and learning.

The first step to harnessing the power of thoughts, feelings, and emotions is to become more aware of them.
Runner’s World The Runner’s Brain: How to Think Smarter to Run Better
By Jeff Brown, Liz Neporent, and Meb Keflezighi
Create a running journal to record your performance. By having a visual log, you help to send messages to your RAS that you are a runner.
Runner’s World The Runner’s Brain: How to Think Smarter to Run Better
By Jeff Brown, Liz Neporent, and Meb Keflezighi
Recording the information makes you much more conscious of looking after your mind and body in a positive way.
Running Around the World: How I ran 7 marathons on 7 continents in 7 days
By Susannah Gill
Do you have quotes from outside-education books/authors/speakers who show the value of documenting learning? Please share in the comment section.