I am documenting my learning journey to be able to capture the state of issue around news, media and information literacy at this moment in time. It is an increasingly important topic as a global citizen. A topic around literacies (the ability to read, write and being able to express ideas and communicate effectively) that […]

As I am reading more books outside of the educational arena, but still wear my “documenting hat”, I am re-assured that documenting is highly valued outside of schools as well. A significant part of my running journey is the documentation of my learning along the way. The documentation via images and text on Instagram, has helped me reflect on […]

Two weeks ago, I reached a personal goal of mine: Finishing a half marathon run! After I set my goal and signed up for the 21K (13.1 miles) Half Marathon of Buenos Aires, I decided to connect my passion of documenting learning with my learning experience about running during the training. I am a relative […]

I am a list maker… to the extreme… I will even add items to the list after completion, in order to be able to get the satisfaction of checking it off. One of my strategies in life is to try to prioritize and do things that allows me to check off more than one […]

by Melissa Thompson, cross-posted from her blog. As I work on creating a Blogging Bingo Challenge for my students, I felt an inforgraphic explaining some of the tasks would be helpful for my students. I contacted Kelli Vogstad, whose blog post on Digital Portfolios has been a guiding light for me as I go through […]

During the Documentation Phase, you might capture different media. Images are an easy and fast way to capture visible and sometimes “not so visible” evidence of learning. As with other media, there are a few things to consider to: protect someone else’s privacy observe digital citizenship etiquette minimize post-documentation editing time and effort Here are […]