Chapter 2: Documenting Learning and the Now Literacies Discussion Questions
1. Now that you have read about the now literacies, reread the opening quote by Malala Yousafzai:
Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow’s reality.
Based on the multiple facets and connections made to documenting learning, what is one of the now literacies that you believe is or can be tomorrow’s reality in your classroom today? Provide current or potential future learning evidence artifacts to support your reasoning when you discuss your responses with a colleague or colleagues.
2. Which of the now literacies do you feel may be the most difficult to initiate or expand on in your learning environment at this time? Explain why you have are feeling this way with one or more colleagues. Brainstorm ideas for overcoming your shared obstacles based on what you have read in this chapter. If you are reading this book solo, share or amplify your concerns and challenges using the #documenting4learning hashtag on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram; or by mentioning @documenting4learning on Facebook and Instagram, and @doc4learning on Twitter to reach out and network with others around the world to gain perspectives and potential solutions.
3. How can you expand on the relationship between documentation and the now literacies? What additional connections can you make? What examples can you think of that express evidence of expanding the now literacies in your classroom, school, or professional learning environment?
Are there any new now literacies you believe should be added to the six featured in this chapter? What a book conveys is not meant to be the end all, be all. Share with Silvia, Janet, and others to add to their work. As authors, we love to have our thinking pushed. That is how we all grow! If you choose to share and amplify new now literacy suggestions, use the #documenting4learning hashtag onTwitter, Facebook or Instagram; or by mentioning @documenting4learning onFacebook and Instagram, and @doc4learning on Twitter.
4. Silvia created a blog post dedicated to the now literacies, as well as expanded on them by addressing the concept of fluencies in relationship to literacies. Read her post and pay close attention to her last question: If the goal is not being literate but fluent, what changes? How would you respond? After you have contemplated your response, leave a comment on the blog post to become part of the ongoing conversation to join in and share your voice and engage with others.