About the book…

“In Documenting Learning, the authors seek to qualify, rather than quantify, what contemporary learning is all about: looking for, capturing, reflecting, sharing, and amplifying the learning that is taking place. In this text, they break down these actions and how they apply to before, during, and after learning moments and describe a new way to approach contemporary work and self-determined learning.”
Michael Fisher, Author and Consultant

The Book

A Guide to Documenting Learning published by Corwin Press

The Blog

Follow our own journey around documenting learning on our blog.

The Authors

Meet Silvia and Janet, the authors of A Guide to Documenting Learning. Want to work us? Contact us and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

The Why

The Why Behind Documenting Learning


When the "act and the process of documenting learning" becomes the vehicle to learn, we can look at it as a method that facilitates learning.

Latest Blog

Documenting FOR Learning

I am a documenter, I have always been… maybe it is in my blood… …from keeping diaries from an early age on, being the family letter writer, to taking pictures...

School Visits, Observations, Documentation, Storytelling

I am co-founder and co-director of of edJEWcon, an organization that seeks to advance the conversation of the future of teaching and learning in the 21st century in the context...

Documenting a School Visit

edJEWcon‘s team, consisting of Andrea Hernandez and Silvia Tolisano, had the great pleasure of visiting Gray Academy of Jewish Education in Winnipeg, Canada in October 2015. We were warmly welcomed...

Back Channelling in the classroom…

Edna Sackson, Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator from Mount Scopus Memorial College in Melbourne, Australia, documented a model lesson I was teaching at my recent visit to their school. Edna graciously...